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Give a 2-3 sentence description of your product/idea and watch as we prepare a first draft of your product document in seconds. Example inputs

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Example inputs:
  1. I'm building a startup which will let anyone who's interested in AI and crypto sign up for free and build useful products that directly relate to these domains, while helping them learn by doing. These self-guided product building sessions will be called builds; they'll be technical and take about a weekend's worth of time. A sense of community will be core to this startup's users. The startup will be called buildspace.
  2. I'm planning to build a product which would act as a personal assistant for you. This will be powered by AI, and would make reservations for you, handle your emails and texts with your oversight, multiply your productivity by helping you with knowledge work, and learn from your feedback in various ways. This will be powered by state of the art LLMs and use a combination of natural language processing and speech recognition.
  3. Invez will be an app-based product which will democratize investing, providing access to opportunities that have so far only been available to high net worth people. Invez will be an online marketplace for investors and seasoned traders, where investors can select from a pool of traders based on their performance history, their subject matter expertise and their risk profile. Based on the upside that the investor gains from the trader's picks, the trader will get a small cut of their profits.